
National Nest Box Week

National Nest Box Week was established and developed by the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) to provide a focus on nesting birds and to support their conservation and local biodiversity. It encourages the placement of nest boxes in your local area, at a time when small birds traditionally pair up ahead of the breeding season.

Natural nest sites such as holes in trees or old buildings are disappearing fast, so our native birds need all the help they can get to find a safe spot to breed. Birds may even use the nest box year-round, roosting cosily in it during the winter months.


Really Wild Bird Food shopping bag

I hope that this newsletter finds you surviving the stresses of yet another lockdown, and that you are still managing to enjoy your garden birds.

Many of you will have noticed that there have been some significant changes to our business since December. The two main ones being the move away from our previous courier APC, and the fact that you are now receiving your goods in cardboard boxes.


how to photograph birds, bird photography tips

There are a lot of bird enthusiasts who love the idea of photographing birds but have no idea where to start. If this sounds like you, don't worry, you're not alone. Wildlife photography is a fine art and some photographers will focus solely on photographing birds for years before they finally get their dream shot.

That being said, with the right equipment, patience and a little bit of practice, complete beginners can capture some stunning photographs of birds. More...

nature, coronavirus recovery

We've all felt the effects of the coronavirus over the past few months, but things are finally starting to look promising. With vaccines being rolled out, we're hoping to see things return to normality during 2021. With regards to the Government's coronavirus recovery strategy, there are lots of people across the UK that think nature should play a prominent part. More...

how to keep cats away from bird feeders

Are you worried about your pet cat (or your neighbour's cat) attacking your bird feeder and putting your garden birds at risk? Cat's have a natural urge to kill birds, and we're sure if you've got a pet cat you've had a feathered friend dropped on your doorstep once or twice before.

While there's not much you can do to suppress the natural instincts of a cat, there are a few steps you can take to keep cats away from your bird feeders. More...

mery christmas from really wild bird food

First published in the eighteenth-century, the Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" remains a firm favourite amongst festive folk to this day! There have been many theories about the carol and its hidden meanings, one of which suggests the song was used to help teach Catholics the principles of their faith.

In this scenario the 'partridge in a pear tree' represents Christ. However, other people believe the song was written for a far more whimsical purpose, perhaps as a way of challenging children's memories. 

One thing's for certain, this festive Christmas carol features birds. Lots of them! Let's meet some of our festive feathered friends and find out more about them. And yes, we do want you to sing along as you read this blog! More...

christmas presents

It's the first day of December and safe to say, we're really getting excited for Christmas now! We know that many of you have put your trees up early this year and you're dying to get the Christmas celebrations underway, but there's one important job that needs to be done first... present buying!

Choosing a gift for someone that you know they'll love and cherish is one of the best parts about Christmas. We're not talking about buying something expensive or flashy, the best gifts are the ones that the recipient will enjoy for months after Christmas is over, no matter how big or small. More...

news from the farm

As the year draws to a close...

The farm is nearly wrapped up for the winter, however, we are still very busy with our bird food sales and we hope that this blog finds you safe and well.

Whilst the amazing weather of the first lockdown period meant that we could all be outside enjoying nature, our gardens and the great outdoors, this second lockdown has a different feeling. The short days and the wet weather are making everything seem more challenging. More...


As you can tell, we have a bit of an obsession with robins here at Really Wild Bird Food. Our robin mascot can be seen throughout our website and across our social media, bringing a touch of cheer to every page!

Year after year, robins have been voted the UK's favourite bird, but surely that comes as no surprise. Who doesn't love robins? When you see or hear a robin redbreast (particularly during winter) it fills you with a sense of pure joy.
