national nest box week - baby swallow in nest calling out to mother swallow

Winter can be a dark and gloomy time of year, with the dark days and chilly weather chasing most wildlife into either hibernation or migration. As we push into February the days are slowly growing longer and the sounds of bird songs are in the air, which can only mean one thing – spring will be on its way soon, and it’s almost time for National Nest Box Week!

National Nest Box Week is a great opportunity to put some time aside and take part in fun activities designed to help support your local wildlife. If you’ve never participated in National Nest Box Week before and are looking for some more information, you’re in the right place!



Hello! Who has the January Blues? 

Well I don't know about you, but January isn't my favourite month. It all starts off with good intentions; lose the  7lbs gained over the Christmas period ( failed so far ), stick to this year's New Year's resolution to label up food that I put in the freezer for easy ID ( failed - so we had a spaghetti bolognese rather than the chilli this week !) , spend less time on electronic devices and more time reading books.. so far only managed a couple of pages before falling asleep each night… there's room for improvement, and topped off with a lovely 31st January deadline for paying our Tax. Roll on February!


bird in bush eating redish pink berries

As the cold winds blow and temperatures plummet, there’s no denying that winter is well on its way! In the winter months, birds can struggle to find enough food to get by.

Berries are an important food source during winter months, when many other food sources are scarce and the ground is too hard to hunt for burrowing insects.



Bird flu ( also known as avian influenza ) is a notifiable, infectious disease that affects both wild birds and kept poultry. It has a significant and devastating effect on birds and can spread extremely fast, making the need for the fast implementation of control measures urgent and important. According to current Government guidelines, "Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) is currently in an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone ( AIPZ). This means that "by law, you must follow strict biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of the virus. More...

Winter is well on its way, and as autumn draws to a close, we’re seeing a lot of seasonal plants die down for the winter. One exception is holly - or to call it by its Latin name, Ilex aquifolium.

This iconic evergreen is commonly used to decorate homes throughout the winter season, the vibrant green leaves and the rich red berries bring a splash of colour to this bleak time of year.



If there’s one thing that most dogs have in common, it’s a healthy appetite. Even after a perfectly sizeable meal, they’re still eyeing up whatever you’ve got in your hands, and it sure looks really yummy.

If given the opportunity, some dogs will gobble up anything they can get their paws on, from your breakfast right off your plate to bird seed that has fallen from your bird feeder.

If you’ve found your way to this blog, your own pooch has probably helped themselves to some bird feed, and you’re looking for information as to whether or not you should be worried. So, is bird seed bad for dogs?



When you put out bird feed, you never know what kind of birds you’ll attract. While you can select certain feeds that are more popular with certain birds, you can never predict exactly what birds will come to visit your garden.

While having any feathered friend come to visit is a delight, putting out food for birds can also entice some more unwelcome visitors. Bird feeders can be an attractive sight for garden rats, and they can be inclined to help themselves to the feed.


Bird feeding for beginners

Bird feeding is an excellent, worth-while and rewarding activity. Birds in areas with bird feeders are generally in overall better health than those who have no access to supplementary nutrition, especially during periods of inclement weather. By giving them the nutrients they require at the time they need them, we can make a world of difference for the futures of our winged friends.


You don’t need a large garden to make birds feel at home!

Feeding birds in a small garden

It's estimated that there will be more than 28.3 million households in the UK by the end of 2022. Because space is limited, new build estates are smaller than they used to be, and the size of the average British garden is trending downwards too.


bumble bee hovering around bright yellow sun flower 

Bees are an important part of our ecosystem – in fact, they’re a part of almost every ecosystem across the world. Bees are responsible for the pollination of most fruit and veg, making them an essential part of our survival.

Here are some fun facts about bees that might surprise you...
